Homemade Cinnamon Rolls


Whole Grain Cinnamon Rolls 

   We tried this homemade cinnamon roll recipe from Hungry & Healthy today and it turned it great! We like to have a special breakfast on Saturday mornings. Our son is almost 3 and likes to help. He loved helping me portion out the ingredients, mix them together, and roll out the dough!

    The recipe doesn’t call for whole wheat flour… But the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend to make at least half of your grains whole, so that’s what we do whenever possible! I used white whole wheat flour (it’s a little less dense then regular whole wheat flour). I also subbed 1/4 cup flour for flax meal for even more fiber and fats!

    While the cinnamon rolls were in the oven baking I realized we didn’t have powdered sugar! So, thanks to the Internet age it was easy to find a sub. I used 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 1/2 tsp  cornstarch and blended them in our magic bullet blender. It worked great!


    We paired these with some scrambled eggs for some additional protein to keep us fuller longer. My soon to be one-year-old, soon to be three-year-old, hubby and myself loved them for healthier a Saturday morning treat!

     Try them out for yourself! Find the recipe at:


Celebrating the Small Things… Like a New Steamer Basket


I am WAY too excited about my new steamer basket ??? !!!

I lost the legs of the last one, or two. We are always steaming veggies for the kiddos, especially for my youngest who only has a few teeth!

If you don’t have one of these pick one up. They are inexpensive and you can pick one up at the grocery store!

You lose a lot of nutrients from boiling the veggies. Steaming can cut down on nutrient losses and help you offer soft veggies to the littles who are learning to eat them!

It’s as easy as making noodles for Mac n cheese! ??

Operation Garden Expansion

Operation garden expansion in progress!

Home gardens big or small help you
-save $ on fresh produce
-eat more veggies
-experiment with more veggies based recipes
-teach the littles where food comes from
-AND teach the littles how good fresh veggies are!

Win, win, win, win, and win!


We are tilling for the first time this year and starting to compost.  In prior years we have worked with pots and raised beds.

Consider trying something simple like a pepper plant or a cherry tomato plant in a large pot for starters!

Exercise Or Diet?


image Exercise or

Exercise or Diet?

(Part One)

Which is more important?  I get this question a lot.

The truth is:

They both offer profound health benefits and decrease risks of chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and depression. They both can help with weight control. Therefore, in my opinion, they are BOTH important.

What you eat is a choice you make multiple times a day, 365 days a year. Physical activity is a choice you can choose to make 150-300 minutes a week for health benefits.

My thoughts are:

*balance– a balance of enough but not too much food and exercise

*moderation of everything- exercise and all foods… especially indulgences- most foods can fit

*variety– of diet and activity so you don’t get flavor fatigue and to prevent boredom and setbacks

How much activity is enough?


Anything is good!

Physical activity guidelines for Americans (Adults) recommend 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75-150 minutes of aerobic activity each week and at least days 2 a week of strength training with most major muscle groups for health benefits.

  • To learn about what is considered moderate, aerobic or strengthening activity visit:

And don’t forget about the littles! They are learning healthy habits and patterns now. Encourage 60 minutes of physical activity a day, including muscle and strengthening activities at least 3 days a week.

  • To learn more about physical activity recommendations for youth visit: http://health.gov/pagui/guideliht//health.gov/paguidelines/guidelines/chapter3.aspx

Stay tuned for more tips on nutrition, healthy diet and self care!

5 easy ways…To improve your health

5 easy ways… to improve your health, while enjoying the taste of eating right

By Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist Danielle Brooks, RDN, LD – March 2014

This year, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic’s theme for National Nutrition Month is Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right. This is a great theme. As a Registered Dietitian, I know that healthy doesn’t have to mean boring or bland! It doesn’t have to be expensive or extreme. Nor does it have to be overwhelming or over-the-top! Whether you want to lose weight or just be healthier, these five tips will help steer you in the right direction, to “enjoy the taste of eating right.”

1. Skip the Salt.

Eating excessive amounts of sodium can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for heart attack and stroke. One teaspoonful of salt is about 2,300 mg. Most foods have some naturally occurring sodium. Processed foods such as snack foods, frozen meals, lunch meat, and baked goods all have added sodium. Considering the naturally occurring sodium food and sodium in processed foods you are sure to exceed the daily recommendation if you salt your food!

Simple Tips to Lower Sodium Intake:

Choose salt-free seasonings such as fresh or dried herbs and spices, or blends such as Mrs. Dash. Do not salt your foods. Salt-free herbs and spices can add a lot of flavor to dishes in a healthy way! Try experimenting with different combinations. Choose an herb and try looking up a new recipe for a little fun! If you eat out, request that salt is not added while your meal is being cooked. And remember, it doesn’t matter if you are using sea salt, iodized salt, kosher salt, or rock salt. They all contain sodium!

2. Choose foods lower in fat and sugar.

Eating a high fat diet can significantly increase our calorie intake, and may also contribute to high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Eating a diet with moderate amounts of fat and choosing healthier fats will not only promote weight control, but also heart health.

Eating a lot of baked goods, consuming sugar-sweetened beverages, and other sweets can also lead to excessive calorie intake and increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Simple Tips to Lower Fat and Sugar Intake:

Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products to reduce your saturated fat and calorie intake. Avoid fried foods. Use added fats sparingly when cooking or eating out. Ask for sauces and salad dressings on the side so that you may still enjoy them, but may eat less. Consider substituting items such as applesauce, bananas, avocado, and Greek yogurt for added fats. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages as they contribute unneeded “empty calories.” Limit baked goods. Try snacking on a piece of fresh fruit if you have a sweet tooth! Try experimenting with recipes using less fat and sugar than what the recipe calls for. Try ice water with fresh cucumber, lemon or fruit to add flavor.

3. Practice Moderation.

Enjoy your food, but don’t eat too much.  Consider serving sizes before plating your food or eating. For example, a serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards, and one piece of bread is usually one carbohydrate serving. Stick to one serving of meat and three to four carbohydrate servings each meal. Remember breads, pastas, fruit and milk all contain carbohydrates. We need carbohydrates for energy, but it is easy to consume excess if we are not mindful of how much we are eating.

Order the lunch portion or from the lower calorie menu when eating out. Or try only eating half of your meal and saving the other half for lunch the next day. I encourage clients to try calorie tracking applications such as myfitnesspal (http://www.myfitnesspal.com). Food journaling helps you to be mindful of your food choices.

4. Eat a variety of foods.

Forget fad diets! Fad diets are often restrictive and may omit entire food groups which can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Not to mention they are hard to follow and are usually only quick, short-term fixes that you cannot healthfully maintain for the long term. You may lose the weight quickly but probably won’t maintain it and may even gain more weight when you stop the diet.

Each of the food groups offers different macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). By eating a variety of foods from each food group every day you will be more Iikely to meet all or your nutritional needs without a supplement, and “enjoy the taste of eating right.”

5. Eat a balanced diet.

Try to eat from each food group at each meal. Many of us don’t eat enough vegetables and fruits. Can you eat at least one serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner every day? Can you incorporate one serving of vegetables in a snack? Did you get two fruit servings in today? Did you have three servings of dairy? Ask yourself these questions when you are meal planning.

Eating healthy is not a “short-term diet;” it is a lifestyle. Choose your foods for the health of it!

Consider the above tips, and choose three that you could apply to your diet/lifestyle right now that may improve your nutritional health! You can improve your nutritional health that easily.

For more healthy eating tips, information about portion sizes and food groups visit http://www.Myplate.gov.

For nutritional facts on individual food items, visit http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list.

For the American Heart Associations recommendation for healthy eating and lifestyle visit http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/The-American-Heart-Associations-Diet-and-Lifestyle-Recommendations_UCM_305855_Article.jsp.

To view the 2010 dietary guidelines for Americans visit
